Full Professor in Earth and Environmental Sciences
9 hours ago
Posted date9 hours ago
Minimum levelN/A
EngineeringJob category
EngineeringThe Asian School of the Environment (ASE) and Earth Observatory of Singapore (EOS) at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore are seeking an accomplished and visionary scientist to join us as a Full Professor in Earth and Environmental Sciences. This is an open call, covering a wide range of topics including geohazards, disaster risk, cascading hazards, ecology, and environmental change.
ASE (https://www.ntu.edu.sg/ase) is an interdisciplinary school at NTU that integrates Earth and environmental life science, ecology, engineering and technology, human ecology, humanities, and the social sciences to address key issues of the environment and sustainability.
EOS (https://earthobservatory.sg/) is a research centre at NTU with a mission to conduct fundamental research on earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and climate change in and around Southeast Asia, towards safer and more sustainable societies.
ASE and EOS host state-of-the-art analytical facilities (https://www.ntu.edu.sg/ase/lab-facilities). EOS also supports a regional network of geophysical and geochemical observation stations in collaboration with neighbouring countries in Southeast Asia, that are supported by the EOS Centre for Geohazard Observations, as well as a Remote Sensing Lab (EOS-RS). Computational resources are available through a dedicated cluster and collaboration with the High-Performance Computing Centre of NTU.
Applicants should have a record of accomplishment of world-class, innovative science and the ability to obtain and manage large research grants. They should have proven commitment to excellence in research, teaching, academic leadership, and the mentorship of students and faculty. They will be expected to build up, manage, and lead a pioneering research group, develop new collaborations with international teams, teach within ASE, and contribute effectively to our ambitions to supply Singapore and other countries in the region the knowledge needed to build societies that are resilient to geohazards. Singapore is ideally located in Southeast Asia and close to many exciting geological sites for doing innovative research with regional collaborators.
Applicants must have a PhD in geoscience, ecology, or a related field and would normally already hold a tenured Professorial position in a university (or equivalent institution).
This position is part of a cluster hire at ASE and EOS. We are also advertising for two Assistant Professors in Geohazards and one Assistant Professor in Environment and Society.
ASE and EOS seek a diverse and inclusive workforce and are committed to equality of opportunity. We welcome applications from all and recruit based on merit, regardless of age, race, gender, religion, marital status and family responsibilities, or disability.
Applications should include a full CV, publication list, and a cover letter describing experience and interests in research, teaching, and leadership. The Search Committee will begin reviewing applications on 1 March 2023.
Interested applicants can seek more information from Prof. Benjamin Horton (Director of EOS), Prof. Emma Hill (Chair of ASE, Principal Investigator for EOS, ehill@ntu.edu.sg) or Prof. Simon Redfern (Dean of the College of Science, NTU, simon.redfern@ntu.edu.sg).
Hiring Institution: NTU
ASE (https://www.ntu.edu.sg/ase) is an interdisciplinary school at NTU that integrates Earth and environmental life science, ecology, engineering and technology, human ecology, humanities, and the social sciences to address key issues of the environment and sustainability.
EOS (https://earthobservatory.sg/) is a research centre at NTU with a mission to conduct fundamental research on earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, and climate change in and around Southeast Asia, towards safer and more sustainable societies.
ASE and EOS host state-of-the-art analytical facilities (https://www.ntu.edu.sg/ase/lab-facilities). EOS also supports a regional network of geophysical and geochemical observation stations in collaboration with neighbouring countries in Southeast Asia, that are supported by the EOS Centre for Geohazard Observations, as well as a Remote Sensing Lab (EOS-RS). Computational resources are available through a dedicated cluster and collaboration with the High-Performance Computing Centre of NTU.
Applicants should have a record of accomplishment of world-class, innovative science and the ability to obtain and manage large research grants. They should have proven commitment to excellence in research, teaching, academic leadership, and the mentorship of students and faculty. They will be expected to build up, manage, and lead a pioneering research group, develop new collaborations with international teams, teach within ASE, and contribute effectively to our ambitions to supply Singapore and other countries in the region the knowledge needed to build societies that are resilient to geohazards. Singapore is ideally located in Southeast Asia and close to many exciting geological sites for doing innovative research with regional collaborators.
Applicants must have a PhD in geoscience, ecology, or a related field and would normally already hold a tenured Professorial position in a university (or equivalent institution).
This position is part of a cluster hire at ASE and EOS. We are also advertising for two Assistant Professors in Geohazards and one Assistant Professor in Environment and Society.
ASE and EOS seek a diverse and inclusive workforce and are committed to equality of opportunity. We welcome applications from all and recruit based on merit, regardless of age, race, gender, religion, marital status and family responsibilities, or disability.
Applications should include a full CV, publication list, and a cover letter describing experience and interests in research, teaching, and leadership. The Search Committee will begin reviewing applications on 1 March 2023.
Interested applicants can seek more information from Prof. Benjamin Horton (Director of EOS), Prof. Emma Hill (Chair of ASE, Principal Investigator for EOS, ehill@ntu.edu.sg) or Prof. Simon Redfern (Dean of the College of Science, NTU, simon.redfern@ntu.edu.sg).
Hiring Institution: NTU
Full Professor in Earth and Environmental Sciences
9 hours ago